though i have mine..i knw i cant demand anymore..but i would like to share it ! ehehe...
guy who exhibit confidence
- be confident ! confidence is what girl looking for in a guy ..dont b wimpy !b real !b you..dont apologize for everything..if korang betul..then stand 4 ur right..jgn sbb nk amik ati girl..saying sorry for nothing n its not sincerely cme from ur heart..dont do this! :)
- "funny"..girl always love a guy who can make her laugh. If you are dull, you are boring. an example.xkan la if keluar..for the whole time laki tu nk serius je kan..there r certain time u have to be NOT so serious.Take a chance, be real,
butbe funny.if korg mmg org yg serious..then u have to put an effort to make urself a lil bit "funny".. but dun ever make urself as a joke n dont do stupid joke.. :) try it !
- girl wants guy treat her like she is the only 1..make her feel dat way..example like he opens the door for her, he walks on the right side of the street, he helps her shop. If she is cold, offer her your something yang leh wat that girl ase "omg!he's soooo sweettttt..!".girl sgt sukakan ini ye ! kadang2 mmg ase cam OVER but its helping to build a good relationship somehow..what can i say here..dun take everthing simple..u need to learn how to b a gentleman..sikit sebanyak kena ada..if x..u r out of the list.. :)
- listen to us ! (yes, even to the gripes and details of all the craziness) and not necessarily give advice. Many girl love to complain about their problems, however, they complain not to receive advice, but merely to sound off.let everthing out sampai rasa '"phuhhh ! lega ! " I know it's hard to nod and be supportive, coz u prefer watching football games or do something that to you may seem more exciting, believe me girl akan hargai u all when you truly listen to them and acknowledge their needs.they gonna love u more then u expected they will. Get involved and provide active listening feedback. Be truly interested in what she is saying without worrying about what u're going to say next..jgn nk bagi nasihat mcm kau tu baik sgt la ! sbb kadang2 better listen n respond to her story secara biasa2 sje..
loyal and faithful
- woman wanna know that u will b faithful..way to that u have to b loyal first. Don't tell a woman how you cheated on your proud u were when u playing dirty and toying girls around It won't make her think you are wise, loyal, or trustworthy.i I'm not saying to lie to her -- just don't go there. Don't cheat on your woman. She will not think you are a better man for doing this. Just like you want think you are the only man she's ever loved, well, that's the thing she wants,the key of being faithful is jgn sesekali wat girl hilang kepercayaan ! if that happen then it is the DEAD END..u r helpless..(bkn psl pompuan je..psl smua bnda..its better to tell the truth then lying)
- ini paling menyakitkan hati bila laki xmampu nak u know what is really mean of being sensitive?bkn nye like crying..sobbing..sulking..terasa hati la..what so ever ! dont get overboard. It is important to strike a balance. Be strong, be there, yet share your emotions. Speak up and be real. Let them know you care. But don't be a sissy.u know b more snstve towards their feelings!aisshhh!how can i make u undrstand this..this is the hardest part to explain actually.Women want to be respected! A woman wants to be respected for being feminine, being a woman yang kadang manja,mengada,gedik n etc.. Women are quite different from men. take time to understand the differences..
man with a plan and ambition
- Men who know who they are, what they r doing tonight, and what they gonna do with their life. If you don't have a plan, get one.if wanna have a date,make sure u got the plan like a "I have a plan (a) and plan (b) "ready at all times, so that no matter what, u know where, when, and how the evening or date could go. In dating, it is extremely important that you have a plan when you ask a woman out. They will judge your sense of confidence by how well you have thought out of the idea where you will take her and what you will have together. think ahead, have a plan, then work that plan. make sure you have an alternative plan,mana la taw tiba2 plan tu cam xkena ngn dia..atleast leh tukar kan..dont do this when girl asking u this kind of ques. "where r we going to go" n u replied " where ever u wanna go.i dun mind" OMG !girl hates this..jgn biar die dcide all the times and everytime u went out.. :)
be generous ~give them a gifts
- sounds like materialistic hah?what ever..girl loves gift..that the fact..sapa yang xsuka hadiah kan?gifts can be categorize in many things..bukan la barangan ur can b anything.. :) maybe giving a gift once in a while isn't such a bad idea. Just don't go broke trying to impress her!xpayah la nk berhabisan2 sgt !its enough giving a small gifts, especially gifts that show you were listening when she mentioned her favorite candy bar, or when she stopped at that jewelry counter to admire those earrings (but put them back without buying them), or how she commented on how she'd just love that dress in the window of that snazzy clothing store. Well, use your own imagination..they are not asking u to buy it for they are hoping u understand that they wan it..u have to this x ur gf akan ingt korg cheapskate!kedekut! oh no no..its
suck!i can live with cheapskate type of guy..xpela if xde hdiah tp jgn la kedekut..mmg xsuka ! So just trust me and surprise her with a gift every now,korang xkan myesal..xrugi pon..they will do the same things as a return.. :) thats what we call "pelaburan masa hadapan" hehe..
for this time being.. ni je laaa ye..*menguap2 dah* my pillow is calling me..yaa yaa on my guys!see ya in the next post..i ll tell u more soon..happy reading dear readers..*ade ke???* bhahaha..thx 4 reading..gudnite n sleepwell..
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proud to be a girl :) im loving a guy who loving me |
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