for coming to see me..thanks sayang !
saya hargai sgt2..sorry xreti nak tunjuk..but i really do..
we had a great weekend together isnt sayang? hee
u have done a lotssss for me yunk..
u came to see me..
teman pergi makan..
tengok movie sama2.
wahhhh! dari 1 je tiket movie yg kita tengok sama2...
which i thought that would b da las 1..
skunk ni da banyak..hehe..
thanks thank thanks !
korang patut tengok cerita ATTACK THE BLOCK ke ape tah..!
i dunno the exactly title of the movie..
tp ade la bunyi2 mcm tu la..
damn scary and yucks !
its about aliens cme to earth n attack a geng that live in a block..
n ade sebab musabab la kenapa alien2 tu serang kan..
wahhh !alien tu sangat hodoh dan ganas !euwwwww~!!!
i screamed a lotsssss !
nasib baik awak xpekak yunk ! hehe..
banyak kan benda yang kita share sama2..
kita g mam McD pagi2 buta sama2..
saya belaja buat coffee tuk awak..
i made a breakfast for u..
i cooked a spaghetti..
cakap pasal spaghetti !
tooooooo spicccccccyyyyyyyy !
but its not my fault...
it was an instant sauce..
nasib baik awak pilih sendiri sayang..
kalau tak serba salah saya :)
haa haa !xlupa gak..thanks tuk lasweek gak..
coz bawak saya n mama jalan2..
and a movie together :)
thanks ! i feel so guilty..
mesti sayang saya penat..
sbab jauh..xpela..lpas ni kita jarang2 jumpa k..
last but not least..
thanks again sayang..
u mean a lot to me..
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ILY sayang ! |